“It’s funny to hear you say nail styling because I created that term because there was no term for celebrity. When speaking first about the latest trends in nail styling, the beauty industry veteran says the following: Listen to the entire Jenna Hipp CYInterview: You can read the highlights and listen to our conversation in its entirety below: In this CYInterview, you will gain some interesting insights into nail care and aesthetics, in addition to hearing some tidbits about Jenna’s celebrity clients. And she’s got the magazine covers to prove it. Hipp has carved out her own unique place in the manicure/pedicure industry. As the head of Nailing Hollywood, an agency that looks for nail artists on the rise, Ms. For Jenna Hipp, a celebrity nail stylist based in Hollywood with a green philosophy and a client list ranging from Michelle Williams to Jessica Alba, nail care and aesthetics is an art that should be carried out utilizing materials unlikely to be hazardous to clients. For many women in America, as well as around the world, manicures and pedicures serve not only as part of a personal grooming regimen but as a way of demonstrating personal style.